Hurry, Ends Midnight

How to Grow Your Own Pumpkins

How to Grow Your Own Pumpkins
Grow the perfect pumpkins with our Organic VegeGrow Topsoil... 

Sadly you have missed this year's harvest but you can still prepare for next Halloween by growing your very our pumpkins at home (don't forget to save this blog!).


How to Grow Your Own...

  • Pumpkin seeds need to be sown in May, in full sun to be ready for Halloween carving.
  • Our Organic VegeGrow Topsoil is the ideal mix for pumpkin seeds as they are greedy feeders that like a rich, nutrient full soil that isn't too soggy.
  • (We suggest regularly adding our Multi Purpose Compost or Mushroom Compost to the soil to grow your pumpkins big and healthy).
  • Simply sow seeds directly into the ground, either in a veg patch or large planter and give them a water; make sure the seeds are not exposed when doing so.
  • Keep your pumpkins in full sun through the summer and regularly turn them to create a nice round, even shape.
  • Pop a piece of cardboard under your pumpkin to prevent decay from the underneath.
  • Harvest pumpkins on a dry day after the plants have died back and the skins are bright and hard, normally from mid September.


    Top Tip: If you get a lot of vines and flowers but no pumpkins then you need more bees in your garden to pollinate the flowers.
    Sow our 'Bee Dandy' Wild Flower Seed next to where your pumpkin patch will be and boost your bees and butterflies population!

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